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I’m Leila, I’m a multi-disciplinary illustrator from Los Angeles, CA. I love spending my time experimenting with materials and creating peculiar paintings. What inspires me the most are topics about nature, sciences, and the occult. I love coming up with strange narratives by utilizing textures and color. I embrace my eclecticism as my biggest strength.

I value collaboration and exploration, and I love surrounding myself with passionate creatives. I would love to apply my skills in visual development, tattoos, and publishing. You may contact me at

Past Exhibits

StudentGallery/ArtCenterCollegeofDesign (01.2022-05.2022)

Intersect Gallery “Pride Show”
@ START Gallery (06.09.2023)

Young Artist Society “Sun Jam 2023”(06.10.2023)

Gallery Nucleus “Power In Numbers 8” (09.02.2023)

Mile 44 “Group Art Show” (02.21.24)
